PANEL 1: many totls are sitting in a boardroom. the prime totl says 'alright gamers we need to come up with more comic ideas'. PANEL 2: all the totls start speaking at once, making their ideas completely impossible to pick out. one voice speaks over them, saying 'hey how about...'. PANEL 3: the totl who was speaking completes their thought: 'how about we cancel the comic?' PANEL 4: the prime totl excitedly points at idea totl and says 'YO this guy is a genius!'. idea totl blushes and says thanks. PANEL 5: i address the audience with a big smile and say 'hey this comic is cancelled. thanks for reading'. scrolling down, the page gets darker and darker, like a tv turning off. just as it seems the page is done, a hole opens in space and time. a familiar blue energy is crackling from it. to be continued? END COMIC.